編者按:本文作者Mia 王璟晗,動脈網獲權轉載。
北京時間5月31日凌晨3:30 (美東時間5月30日下午3:30), World Science Hill 獨家專訪了美國著名化學家、企業家、發明家Robert Langer教授。
Robert Langer(羅伯特·蘭格爾)教授是麻省理工學院(MIT)享有最高榮譽的教授之一,擁有1400余份專利,是世界上最高引用量的科學家之一,在生物科技中的藥物開發和組織工程學領域獲得了舉世矚目的成就,同時他也參與創立了包括Moderna在內的40余家生物醫藥企業,2021年以49億美金身價進入Forbes 400財富排行榜,名列第222位,被譽為當代“醫藥愛迪生”。
在此次 World Science Hill的專訪中,Robert Langer 教授簡要分享了自己對于生物醫藥、藥物開發的理解以及對后人工智能時代的生物科技發展進行了展望,此外Robert Langer 教授還為生物方向的在讀學生們分享了自己寶貴的經驗和建議。
△(World Science Hill 創始人Mia 王璟晗獨家專訪Robert Langer視頻截圖)
Can you use a short sentence to describe your main research interest?
@Robert Langer
My research interest is biomedical engineering, particularly in drug delivery systems and tissue engineering.
For your field, what is the ultimate goal?
@Robert Langer
The ultimate goal is to get a basic understanding of the phenomenon that affects both of these, drug delivery and tissue engineering, and to develop technologies that will enable them to solve and address different problems and applications.
What is the relation between bioinformatics and biotechnology? How did you utilize bioinformatics tools and databases in your research or industrial experiences?
@Robert Langer
Bioinformatics is developing methods for understanding biologic data, in particular when data are large and complex. Biotechnology involves using biologic and engineering principles to create new biologic entities and medical entities. Their relation is that in some cases, like deciphering the genome, bioinformatics is critical to making advances in biotechnology.
For drug design, many people are trying to use AI for assistance. Do you think AI will improve the efficiency of drug design? And how?
@Robert Langer
I do think that AI will improve the efficiency of drug design. I think you can use AI to analyze chemical structures for example and use that information about structures as a guide to design the next-generation structures and then test them.
Can you explain the concept of gene editing and its potential applications in biotechnology? Will it be the next game changer for the world?
@Robert Langer
Gene editing, which involves what it says, means that you can cut and paste things out of the genome, so that you can perhaps get rid of gene sequences you don’t want or add sequences you do want, to cure the disease for example. Will it be a game changer? I think it will be one of the game changers, but there will be other game changers too.
For new students trying to gain a degree in biology or related subjects, do you have any suggestions or advice for them?
@Robert Langer
From the educational point of view, my advice to students, especially undergraduate students, is to learn fundamentals. Take the most basic courses like molecular biology and cell biology. I also think it’s good to do research.
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